Haunted House Cake
Complement your upcoming Halloween party with delicious treats, including a frightening but fabulous haunted house cake! Learn how to make haunted house cakes complete with pumpkin patch, graveyard and tattered fencing. Most haunted house cakes start with a simple rectangular cake with the flavor of the haunted house cake entirely up to you. Be creative with haunted house cake recipes and add a fruit filling to the center, such as strawberry, raspberry or lemon.
Once the sheet cake has cooled and is frosted, create the walls for the haunted house with pieces of graham cracker. Cover the pieces of graham cracker with brown fondant frosting. Position the graham crackers in a square shape for the bottom of the house. Place graham crackers in a triangular position on top for the roof. Use frosting to cement all the pieces together. Line the roof with pieces of candy corn and add doors and windows with square or rectangular pieces of fondant frosting. Decorate the sides of the haunted house with ghosts and bats made of white and black fondant frosting. Place the haunted house in the back right hand corner of the cake.
Decide how you want to decorate the rest of the haunted house cake. Do you want to include a pumpkin patch, graveyard or yard? Here are some haunted house cake ideas to add:
Pumpkin Patch: Design a pumpkin patch on the cake by creating a square on the cake and fill it in with green frosting. Place pieces of pumpkin candy corn in the pumpkin patch. Make a fence around the pumpkin patch with candy corn.
- Graveyard: Make a graveyard on the cake with black frosting, graham cracker crumbs and Nutter Butter cookies. Outline a square and fill it in with brown frosting. Crush graham crackers and sprinkle the crumbs over the brown frosting to create a dirt effect. Cut each Nutter Butter cookie in half and cover them with gray fondant frosting. Write RIP with black decorative frosting and insert the cookies in the dirt to create gravestones. Add a spooky tree to the graveyard and hang mini pumpkin cookies from the tree.
- Fence and Walkway: Create a walkway to the haunted house with Reese’s Pieces candies. Line three Reese’s Pieces up next to each other to start the pattern. Continue the pattern from the edge of the cake to the front door of the haunted house. Make a gate for the haunted house with pieces of candy corn. Finish by lining the candy corn up around the cake to create a border.
Create a tradition for Halloween each year and bake a creative haunted house cake. Take pictures of your cakes to remember the designs and compare them to previous years. Try something new each year — different candies, frosting or cake toppers.