Northstar Photography & Design
26275 Drake Road
Farmington Hills, MI
Northstar Photography & Design provides award winning wedding and engagement photography, high school senior and graduation portraiture, family and pet portraits, plus album design. The images and memories we capture are a beautiful visual statement of where you were in life at that moment and are a permanent record of you, your family, your relationships and your love. We also provide high quality business portrait services.
When you choose Northstar Photography & Design you will receive our personal attention and benefit from our more than 20 years of award-winning experience combined with the latest in quality digital photography and album design. We will work with you in our comfortable studio, outside, or in your setting to create outstanding results that you will be proud to display and enjoy.
We ensure the highest quality by controlling each step of the process, from image capture in our comfortable studio to digital image correction and enhancement and print production in our high-tech shop.